
Planning services include meeting the current and long range municipal planning needs of PRMS member municipalities. Current planning services include the processing of land use bylaw amendments, subdivision applications, and general assistance and guidance to members and residents on proposed development projects. Long range planning services are provided to all member municipalities and includes the creation and review of Land Use Bylaws (LUBs) and statutory planning documents, with the predominate focus on Intermunicipal Development Plans, Municipal Development Plans, and Area Structure Plans.    

Land Use Bylaw Amendments

Amendments to LUBs may be required if a proposed subdivision or development for an areas does not meet the existing regulations of the LUB. An amendment may include changing the text of the LUB to allow for a specific land use or development to occur, to change development standards or to change the land use district designation that applies to a particular parcel of land (also known as rezoning). 

Amendments must be adopted by Council by bylaw and requires advertising and a public hearing in accordance with the MGA requirements. PRMS processes amendment applications for member municipalities including drafting of bylaws, public notices, and reports and recommendations to council. If you would like to propose an amendment to a planning document to support your project, please fill out the application below and submit to our office:

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Application Form


Planning Fee Schedule



For further information regarding long range planning services please contact 1-877-854-3371.